1. The preferred maximum length for an article is 6-8000 words. If you exceed this limit, please correspond with one of the editors (addresses below).
  2. Please submit your article, if possible, by email, as an attached file. This will speed up getting a decision on the article and its subsequent publication. Please save files in Microsoft Word, or as a text File. You may also submit a type-written article, but please send three copies.
  3. Manuscripts should be typed and double-spaced throughout.
  4. Refereeing is anonymous, so please exclude your name from the title. Authors' names, titles and affiliations, with complete mailing addresses and telephone/fax numbers, should appear on a separate cover page.
  5. Please supply an Abstract of no more than 150 words.
  6. The Editors will not consider manuscripts which are under consideration by other publishers. Once submitted to Max Weber Studies, it is assumed that articles will not be sent to other publishers until a decision about inclusion has been made.
  7. Please supply keywords for the final version of your article. This is important for searches.
  8. When quoting from translations of Weber, please try to use an accurate version, since in English there is now a choice of translations for some of his writings. The journal will provide advice when required.


You have a choice of 1) Author-Date Style, 2) Footnotes. Most social scientists are used to Author-Date, so please go ahead and use it. If your article tends to the textual and incorporates sizeable quotes from Max Weber or whoever, the Footnote format may be more suitable. Also, the Journal prefers that authors give quotes in English translation in the main text; however footnotes allow the original German quote to be viewed at the same time - and this is clearly a desideratum.

Author-Date Style
In the text the basic reference is:

(Brown 1980)
(Brown 1980c)
(Brown 1980: 23-25)
(Brown 1980: 230 n.2)
(Brown 1980: Ch. 3)
(Brown 1980: II, 231)
(Brown 1980: vol. 2) [if whole volume is being referred to]

[There is no comma after Brown, use a space after colon, and no 'p' or pp'.]

Several works by same author:

(Jones 1963, 1972a, 1986)
(Jones 1963a: 10; 1972; 1986: 123)
(Jones 1963a; 1972a: 156; Smith 1982)


In the bibliography, these are the forms:

Mommsen, W.J. 1974  Max Weber und die deutsche Politik. 1890-1920. Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck (2nd edn).
- 1981  'Max Weber and Roberto Michels: An Asymmetrical Partnership'. Archives européennes de sociologie 22: 100-16.
- 1987  'Robert Michels and Max Weber: Moral Responsibility versus the Politics of Responsibility', in W.J. Mommsen and J. Osterhammel (eds.), Max Weber and his Contemporaries. London: Allen and Unwin: 121-38.

Nippel, W. 1999. 'Einleitung', in Weber (1999a): 1-43 [use where the entire work is cited elsewhere in the bibliography].

Nippel, W. 1999. 'Einleitung', in Max Weber, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Die Wirtschaft und die gesellschaftlichen Ordnungen und Mächte. Nachlass. Teilband 5: Die Stadt (MWG, I/22-5; Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr [Paul Siebeck]): 1-43. [use when this is the only entry for that volume].

Weber, Max. 1999a. Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Die Wirtschaft und die gesellschaftlichen Ordnungen und Mächte. Nachlass. Teilband 5: Die Stadt (ed. W. Nippel; MWG, I/22-5; Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr [Paul Siebeck]).
- 1999b. Börsenwesen: Schriften und Reden 1893-1898 (ed. K. Borchardt with C. Meyer-Stoll; MWG, I/5; Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr [Paul Siebeck]).

[For a member of the Weber family always give their first name.]
[Use 1999a, and 1999b for multiple entries in one year.]

Footnotes may also be used in Author-Date style, if you find there is too much material to include within the text without breaking up its flow. Reference as follows:

Smith 1982: 145; Jones 1980: 68 [use when footnote contains only author/date reference].
Smith (1982: 145) should be consulted for details [use when reference is part of a sentence].


For a book:

Anthony T. Kronman, Max Weber (London: Edward Arnold, 1983).

For a chapter in a book:

Reinhard Bendix, 'Max Webers Religionssoziologie', in R. König and J. Winckelmann (eds.), Max Weber zum Gedächtnis: Materialien und Dokumente zur Bewertung von Werk und Persönlichkeit (Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 2nd edn, 1985): 273-93.

For a journal article:

Gordon Marshall, 'The Dark Side of the Weber Thesis', British Journal of Sociology 31 (1980): 419-40 (420).

[Full pages numbers are given for the article, and if a specific page is referred to, this is put within brackets.]

When a book, a chapter, or an article is referred to again, after its first occurrence, a short title form is used:

Kronman, Weber.
Bendix, 'Max Webers Religionssoziologie'.
Marshall, 'The Dark Side of the Weber Thesis'.

[Ibid. and op.cit. should not be used.]
[After the first reference to a volume in the Max Weber Gesamtausgabe, use the abbreviation MWG, I/2; in this case for volume two of Abteilung one.]

If reference is being made to a footnote, the form is:

p. 23 n.4
p. 44 nn. 5,7
p. 55 note [when footnote is not numbered]

Bibliographic reference in a sentence of a footnote:

Samuel Terrien, Job: Poet of Existence (Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1975), p. 156, exposits such a reading.

Other Style Features

  1. In your own writing, please use gender-inclusive language, but not the 's/he' form.
  2. Authors have a choice between British and American spelling and idioms. If in doubt on spellings, consult Collins English Dictionary or Oxford English Dictionary for British and Webster's College Dictionary for American.
  3. Please note that the 'ize' ending is correct in both British and American English and should be used for all sociological process words, such as 'bureaucratize', 'rationalize', 'systematization', 'realize', etc. This should not be confused with the 'ise' ending for verbs such as 'advise', 'practise' and 'compromise'.
  4. Headings, which are to be encouraged, should be centred and italicised in upper and lower-case. The next line should be ranged to the left margin.
  5. Quotations:
    Use single quotation marks, double for a quote within a quote.
    Quotations should follow the exact form of the original. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of their Weber quotations.
    An ellipsis is three spaced full stops with no space on either side. Indent a quotation of more than four lines.
  6. Use round brackets, and square brackets for bracketing within a bracket.
  7. Capitalize Bible, Torah, Koran, Upanishads, etc.; also Protestant, Catholic, Muslim, Weberian etc; also Christianity, Islam, Confucianism, Hinduism, Judaism, Zoroastrianism etc. If in doubt, follow the usage of the Roth and Wittich edition of Economy and Society

Addresses of editors
Professor Sam Whimster
University House
109 Middlesex Street
London E1 7JF
United Kingdom

Associate Editors:
Dr Austin Harrington
Dept of Sociology
University of Leeds
Leeds LS2 9JT
United Kingdom

Professor Duncan Kelly
Jesus College
United Kingdom


Professor Joshua Derman (Reviews)

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Division of Humanities

Clear Water Bay


Hong Kong
